DC: Aether | Server: Siren

Elizabeth Golden

"Lambert, Lambert what a prick..."


  • Name: Elizabeth Golden

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Raen|Elf

  • Age: 26

  • Job: Sage|Warrior

Elizabeth Golden, Born to the illustrious House Golden. Firstborn daughter
to William Golden of the draconid raen clan, and Elmyra Ulayra of the woodland
elves. Elizabeth would go on to inherit both of the physical characteristics of her
progenitors, bearing the scales and horns of her father alongside the eyes and ears
of her mother. A rare occurance as her younger sister Victoria Golden would only
inherit her mothers elven traits.

Living in House Golden means fighting for House Golden. And so from a young
age both Elizabeth and Victoria were subject to harsh training from their father and
mentors. Elizabeth would prove to be more like her father, boasting a powerful
contitution and brash attitude. As the children grew they would flourish in their
respective disciplines, Victoria as a Ranger and Elizabeth as a Knight.

With the return of the Great Wyrm Nidhogg and resurgence of the Dragonsong
War many houses of Ishgard were called to produce ready combatants. With the two
young Goldens nearing adulthood they would enlist on their families behalf. Eager to
fight Elizabeth could often be found at the frontlines of any and every battlefield. It
wasn't long before she found herself as captain of a small patrol regiment of seven.
Though only tasked with scouting and reconnaissance missions, her subordinates
would soon come to realize every mission with Captain Golden was a battle. Having
slain many wyrms and wyverns they would be known as Dragonsbane.

Everyone knew the accomplishments of Dragonsbane, everyone also knew about
their demise. Early one morning Elizabeths encampment was set upon by swarm of
wyverns. Elizabeth and her soldiers fought what felt like endless waves of the beasts
and then with an earth shaking roar a mighty dragon descended from the skies, Tioman.
Mate of Nighogg, she had come to exact revenge on those who had slaughtered her
brood. Tioman proved too strong a foe and decimated the entire unit, only Elizabeth
remain now on the verge of death and then a voice called out to her. A flash of light,
now in a land of green, a land untouched by the Dravanian horde. Though the reason
unknown, she had been given a second chance and would seize it, until the horde was
defeated, until she would see her family again. A new chapter begins.

About me

Elizabeth Golden resident of Aether, Siren. Member of Empyrean <Defiy> (Mist/Ward 4/Plot 60). A gpose practitioner, tattoo enthusiast, long time stylist and occasional raider. Living out of my little home in the Lavender Beds (ward 16/Plot 56).

Though I may live in the Lavender Beds you'll scarcely find me there as I travel all over Eorzea looking for my next photo shoot location. A good portion of my time ingame is spent putting together outfits and pics for myself or for clients.

Meet the family

Head of House Golden, William Golden. Husband to Elmyra and Father of Elizabeth and Vctoria. A Warlord who won countless battles for his city-state of Ishgard. A menacing figure who strikes fear in his adversaries, turned family man essentially a lump of clay in Elmyra's hands.

"If you have time to talk to me, you have time to do it yourself."

The Lady of the house, Elmyra Golden. Wife to William and Mother to Elizabeth and Victoria. A renowned healer amongst the elven people, now spends her days healing her daughters injuries after battle not without scolding them first however.

"Elbows of my table!"

Firstborn daughter of William and Elmyra Golden, Elizabeth Golden. Much like her father, a rather brash and bold young girl who cares deeply for her family even if she gives them a panic attack for showing up back and home near death on ocassion. Primary responsibility, dont make too much work for Victoria.

"You're telling me if I jump off this bridge you'll give me 500 gil...deal."

Baby of the family and second born daughter to William and Elmyra Golden, Victoria Golden. The more level headed sibling by far, Victoria is a natrual academic and became a scholar after her time training with a bow at her home. Main responsibility, keep Elizabeth out of trouble.

"Jump off this bridge and should you return I swear I will kill you myself."

Beloved spouse to Elizabeth Golden, Belinda Golden. A renowned Black mage who made a name for herself in the battle for Ala Mhigo. Now living a simple life with Elizabeth and their daughter Kyrie.

" I'll give you 5,000 gil if you come down here and let me hit you"

Treasured daughter of House Golden, Kyrie Golden. The spitting image of a younger Belinda, with the ears and rambunctious nature of a young Elizabeth, truly the best of both worlds.



Contact & Pricing

I am Elizabeth,Pleased to make your acquaintance. I have loved taking gposes since ARR back on my PS3 and have now have many more tools at my disposal and would love to capture your ideas through my lens. I do mostly SFW solo/couple and group poses. (wedding/date/combat/dancing/etc). I do take suggestive shots but i do not do NSFW photos.

  • Solo pose -100k(additional character 50k)

  • Small group pose - 300k(3-5 characters)

  • Large group pose -700k (6-9 characters)

No pictures are posted on my end anywhere without client approval.